Canada: Police Journal 1942-1945

The Montreal publisher Editions Police Journal was best-known for its lengthy series of so-called romans en fascicules, thin booklets containing short novels in the mystery, thriller, adventure and romance genres.  Its flagship periodical, however, was Police Journal, which was launched in 1942 and published on a weekly basis until 1954.  Despite its blaring headlines and official-sounding title, Police Journal contained more fiction than news reporting.  The covers published here and on accompanying pages are from issues acquired from a dealer in 2019.  The imperfect quality of the scans is a result of some issues being bound within the regular albums released by the publisher.  The headlines, nevertheless, allow us to follow a particular pattern of concern over Montreal corruption and morality, during the years leading from the Second World War through the vice probes of the late 1940s and early 1950s.  Full-scans of a limited number of issues of Police Journal are available for viewing and download at the site Comic Book +.

Go to Police Journal 1946 – 1949
Go to Police Journal 1950 – 1953


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